University Student Restored to Sanity through Healing Prayer 

Amazonian Wednesdays 🌴

Written October 2018

Nadia was a brilliant young woman showing great potential for the career ahead of her… until she lost her mind. Just months before her graduation from the university, she went completely insane. 

Tomas and Elida, her parents, were devastated. They had been full of anticipation for a happy future for their daughter. But then the radical change came. Nadia became deeply involved in occult practices during her last year of studies. 

Something shifted dramatically in her after that. It seemed to alter the very fabric of her personality. At an alarming rate, she seemed to be turning into an entirely different human being. Helpless to do anything about it, they watched as she rapidly lost her mind completely. 

Their once bright, loving daughter became violent. She needed constant supervision to assure that she would not injure anyone. The family could not even sleep at night. Twenty-four hours a day, they had to stay vigilant, watching over Nadia. She would incessantly lash out, trying to hurt those around her. Her attempts at escape became the daily, hourly reality. 

Tomas and Elida tried everything. They took her to psychologists for therapy, to priests for exorcism, to witch doctors for rituals that they thought might provide a cure. No one could do anything for her. Each treatment only seemed to accelerate the downward spiral. She only grew worse. 

Then, in July, one of our cell group leaders reached out to their family. Elida was eager to grasp onto any shred of hope. She brought Nadia to our Women’s Encounter. The presence of the Lord began to move in both of them there. 

Elida was amazed to see Nadia’s response. Up until that point, her daughter had shown only overtly aggressive behavior in any public setting. Now she sat quietly through each teaching session. A miracle was clearly in process. 

The entire family, since then, has plugged into our church. Tomas and Elida are bringing Nadia to our weekly corporate fasts, with Nadia’s contented participation. Each week, she has been receiving prayer ministry. Each week, the miracle continues to unfold. 

Her loved ones are watching a beautiful transformation take place within her. She is willingly coming to church, her face reflecting genuine enjoyment of the services. She has begun to sit and read the Bible. She has regained much of her ability to interact with society, including going out on her own and returning home safely. 

Tomas and Elida thought they had lost her daughter, both mentally and emotionally, forever. They can’t contain their joy to watch Nadia coming back to them. 

Though she is not quite a fully recovered, she is unmistakably on her way. The progress is both marked and continual. “She is becoming herself again!” Elida exclaims. Our hearts overflow with thanksgiving to the Father for His restorative work in this precious family.


3 thoughts on “University Student Restored to Sanity through Healing Prayer 

  1. Wow, this is wonderful! It sounds like this was a mental case that needed healing maybe a chance of demonic deliverance but mostly mental wholeness happening?

    So many wonderful happenings there🩷🩷🩷 Ann


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