Witchdoctor Saved after Wife’s Healing

Amazonian Wednesdays 🌴

We gather with expectation that God wants to heal!

March 2024


Juanita was in terrible pain. The tumors that filled her abdomen drained her energy and left her desperate. Although she had no previous connection to God, she cried out to Him. “Take me to a church where there is revival!” she implored. Somehow she knew that in such a place, she would find what she was looking for.

Soon after that, her neighbor Maria invited her to our church. The very next service, she came. Maria had told her that the sick get healed in our meetings, and she was ready. When altar ministry began, Juanita came up for prayer. God began to touch her body.

The next day, Juanita woke up with the strangest sensation. She experienced a very unfamiliar movement throughout her body. Before she knew it, one solid mass of joined-together tumors simply fell out of her body when she went to the bathroom. There they were before her eyes, in the pot! 

She checked herself, amazed. Indeed, her abdomen had completely returned to its normal size. The tumors truly had exited her body. Overflowing with joy, she ran to tell her husband, Carlos. 

Now, Carlos had spent his life, up until this point, as a witchdoctor. He had been confronted with his own limitations when it came to this dire circumstance of hers. He had been able to do absolutely nothing to help her. When he looked at her and saw that the tumors were gone, he was stunned!

She showed him where they had fallen out. He continued to stare in amazement. He had never seen anything like it in his entire life. She explained about getting prayer the day before. He decided right then and there to Continue reading Witchdoctor Saved after Wife’s Healing