Decades of Crippling Pain, Gone!

Amazonian Wednesdays 🌴

This woman was healed after thirty-two years of pain!

April 2024

“I want you to pray for me!” A woman of around fifty years old sitting on the sidewalk flagged me down. We were in the village of Aucayo, sharing the gospel. The day’s outreach program was winding down. This precious lady’s energetic request stopped me in my tracks. I stooped down to speak with her. 

“What is your prayer need?” I ask gently. “My hip is in excruciating pain all the time,” she expressed with her face downcast. On a scale of zero to ten, she indicated the pain was constantly at a ten. The older man sitting next to her nodded emphatically. He confided, “She can hardly walk.”

I felt faith rise up in my spirit. I looked into her eyes and assured her, “I believe God is going to heal you today.” I then asked, “May I put my hand on the area?” She nodded, and I did. In my spirit, I could see a picture of the inside of her body. I saw that Holy Spirit was moving there, and I prayed in agreement with what He was showing me. I commanded the hip to come into alignment with the Kingdom of God, and all the pain to leave.

A few minutes later, her eyes got big. “I don’t feel the pain any more!” she exclaimed in amazement. “Do you want to get up and try it out?” I invited. When she did, she discovered that there was absolutely no pain left. She could walk completely normally. She was overcome with emotion, covering her face with her hands. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks.

“How long had you been in pain?” I asked. “When I was eighteen years old, about to give birth, I had an accident,” she recalled between tears. “I fell down and hurt myself. That was thirty-two years ago.” I hugged her and we celebrated together the goodness of our Daddy God. How stunning to be pain free after decades of nonstop, overwhelming suffering!

That day in Aucayo, the power of God healed all kinds of sicknesses and brought many to salvation. Our greatest joy is to know that more names have been added to the Lamb’s Book of Life. We are so grateful to Jesus to be a part of what He is doing here in the Amazon Jungle!

4 thoughts on “Decades of Crippling Pain, Gone!

  1. What a beautiful testimony! Oh if everyone could be healed of pain, but we will when we get to heaven! I’m so happy that God healed this woman here and now, so she didn’t have to wait until heaven.


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