The Safety of Humility


“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.” (James 4:10, NKJV)

My thirteen-year-old son David is quickly growing into a young man. His voice is getting lower, his shoulders broader. A year ago, he passed me up in height (which in his mind was one of the most long-awaited, exciting moments of his young existence). And he detests pictures of himself as a younger boy or baby. He’s passionately enthusiastic in his pursuit of discovering manhood, and eager to leave behind all traces of anything less.

This makes me wonder what it felt like for God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, whose presence fills the entire universe… to move in the reverse direction, becoming a helpless baby. To transition from the place where His eyes blaze like fire, lighting rods shoot forth from His fists, and the mountains tremble like wax before Him… to being an adorable infant whose cheeks all the aunties and cousins wanted to pinch.

This is the opposite direction from the development David is experiencing – and a change incalculably more dramatic. God’s mighty hands had created humans. Now their hands were changing His diaper.

I nearly stop breathing for a moment, trying to wrap my mind around the immeasurable amount of humility required for Jesus to submit Himself to such a reversal of His uncontested, unapproachable position at the right hand of God the Father!

His humility perplexed the devil. The devil doesn’t understand humility. He decided long ago that he wanted to take God’s place and receive the adoration of all creatures. When arrogance entered his heart, it corrupted his entire being. He has no space inside of himself that could possibly begin to fathom humility.

Humility is the secret wisdom of God. Paul references this in 1 Corinthians: “But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God…” (1 Cor. 2:7a, ESV). This wisdom from Him is secret and hidden from the devil because the enemy has no frame of reference for it. It completely confuses him.

From the very beginning of His incarnation, Jesus had His foe mystified. The devil couldn’t even find baby Jesus. Working through Herod, he tried hard to uncover his whereabouts. He utterly failed.

The same passage goes on to explain, “None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (v. 8) Jesus’ ultimate act of humility was to offer Himself as the sacrifice for our sins. This, too, absolutely confounded the evil one.

Jesus’ laying down His life was written prophetically into Scriptures centuries before He came to earth. The devil knows what the Bible says better than many Christians do. No matter. Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself was not on his radar, regardless. Again, this is because he simply cannot comprehend humility. He cannot anticipate it, he cannot plan for it, and he cannot conquer it.

Humility keeps you spiritually safe. This is what Holy Spirit means when He says, “For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Col. 3:3, NKJV). Every time you die to your pride for the cause of Christ, the humility that is born in you keeps you hidden from the devil. Just like the enemy couldn’t find baby Jesus, spiritually speaking, he can’t find you either. You are shielded from his sight and from his strategies.

Look at the connection here: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:6-7, NKJV). Do you see that? God has given us a very specific, entirely effective way to resist the devil: through humility.

Humility vanquishes the devil. Every time. Are you ready? Let’s humble ourselves today in the mighty presence of our triumphant Lord Jesus!


How is Holy Spirit speaking to your heart about humility today?


28 thoughts on “The Safety of Humility

    1. That’s a perfect word for it. Strength. The world probably looks at it the other way around and sees pride as strength, but pride is actually weakness. Thank you for pointing out such a vitally important aspect of this subject, Richard!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. It really is such a beautiful comfort! To know that my Daddy knows everything, has it all figured out, and I can just hold His hand and be led along safely and joyfully, is AMAZING! I join you in that prayer! 🙂


  1. This illustrates precisely our free will. Are we not all devils in our natural state? I am befuddled that I was allowed…given the Faith that I could be saved from my natural self, being motivated to ask him to enter my life and change me. I still am confronted with that bugger and must, as you suggest, find humility. It is much easier for me as I devote myself to His will every day, which includes reading this delightful blog 🙂 ❤

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    1. Aw, thank you, Jeff! I’m glad with all the depths of my heart that is blesses you! And I join you in grateful adoration to the One who so mercifully, tenderly, powerfully saved us from our corrupt state without Him! Grace and peace to you in abundance, my dear brother 🙂 ❤

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  2. My view, humility is considering others before ourselves. Dying to self that others might live. When our yearning and desiring is redirected to the good of others that they may be blessed. Thank You Lord Jesus for the greatest example – Your life for ours to be redeemed. Amen. Len Wisniewski

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  3. Growing up in a culture that preaches humility, as children we used to interpret it as fear! True humility has no fear, it comes deep from within. Its easier to practice if we listen to that still small voice within us; the Holy spirit guides us through our everyday life and wants us to choose to be humble even in the most difficult situations. Questions is do we listen? I for one need to listen more and choose to be humble. I ask God to help me and remind me daily so I can be more and more like Jesus!

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    1. Wow, Gladys, that really is such an important distinction. I could imagine where little children could get that impression. I love how Jesus tells us, “I am gentle and humble in heart.” He is so beautiful, I long to be more and more like Him too! Thank you so much for sharing from your own journey here 🙂 I love you!


  4. Denial of self certainly would end every argument at my house. 😊 I’ve been trying to remember that when having a “discussion” with my husband; losing my pride would definitely end the conversation in a wholesome way!

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  5. Humility is indeed strength. Humility is not being a ‘doormat’ for people to walk on or over. Humility as God has ordained is the Strength found by surrender to Him. It is in fact acknowledging our own weakness and helplessness in the Light of His Holiness and Greatness. A lot of culture views humility as ‘weakness’. it is only fully understood in the eyes of those who desire like King David to pant or seek after Him and come as a ‘little child’. Thanks for blog. Cheers!

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    1. Wonderful truth, Faye! These things can only be discerned and understood as taught by the Holy Spirit, as they are foolishness to those who don’t have Him! Thank you, always for sharing your heart and thoughts ❤


  6. Jenn,
    I read these everyday and am amazed by how perfect each message pertains to me that day. Thank you for sharing God’s message so clearly!

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