Never Meant to Be Naked

It’s audio devo day!

“Shame off you!” That is the heart of God for you and me. Today, we begin a brand new series on the podcas, “Dress for Success!” In the first few episodes, we will be exploring the origins of shame and God’s stunning solution for it. Join me as we discuss our need for the richest of garments, the robe of righeousness… here:

Encouraged by this? Know someone else that needs to hear it today? You can either share today’s blog link with them, or look up my Feeding on Jesus podcast for sharing and subscribing. You’ll find it at these links on iTunesGoogle PodcastsStitcher, and most other podcast platforms, with episodes identical to these audio devos!


What role do you see shame playing in society today? Have you witnessed God breaking shame off of the life of one of His kids? 

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