Not Scared Anymore

Cuddling with my Lily

“I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Ps. 34:4, NKJV).

Today, I would like to share something personal with you. I’ve had to grapple with fear during this COVID crisis. For one thing, my dad got very sick with it. He wasn’t hospitalized, but he wanted to be. He felt like he was dying. When I found out he was seriously ill, I began to fast. I fasted for three days, until the worst danger had passed. With all my heart, I am grateful to the Father, because he is completely well now.

Before his recovery, when the feeling of alarm was filling my chest, the Lord met me. I put worship music on loud and centered my focus on Him. I spent hours lifting up my heart to Him in prayer and singing in the Spirit. He led me to work on my painting as I did so. Holy Spirit was filling me with Jesus, as the colors flowed onto the canvas. Through that time with Him, He delivered me from my fear for my dad’s life. He filled me with supernatural peace.

What has been perhaps even a little more vulnerable, however, has been my concern for Lily, my seven-year-old. Last year, she was in a medically induced coma for seventeen days with severe pneumonia. All that time, a machine breathed for her. Our Almighty God delivered us from that heart-breaking situation and restored her to health. However, she has since then come through a gradual process of recovery in her respiratory health. For months, she had a lingering cough. It was only in January that it was gone, and she has still had a couple brief bouts of cough since then.

So then this pandemic began. Ominous news articles warned that individuals with previous medical vulnerabilities could be in greater danger. My mama bear antennae immediately went up. The “what if’s” started to attack my mind and emotions. The assault on my imagination began. Scenes of hospitalization, and grave danger once again, flashed before my mind’s eye…

Since then, I’ve been seeking the Lord earnestly (as is my life-long habit). I felt prompted to write this post to share with you, that the Father has faithfully delivered me from my fears. Has the coronavirus gone away? No. The cases have continued to increase in Iquitos. This week, two people in our close circle have been sick. We don’t have test results back yet, but it wouldn’t be surprising if it’s COVID they’ve been fighting. This is increasingly close to home.

And yet, my fears for Lily have gone away. The Lord simply removed them from my soul.

Jesus is Faithful and True. His promises are Yes and Amen. My friend, I testify to you, “I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Ps. 34:4, NKJV).

I’ve been so full of peace as I sit in the Lord’s presence listening to worship music and letting my creativity flow. My heart knows. He’s got us.

Dear one, He’s got you, too.


Have you experienced the Lord’s deliverance from fear? I’d love to hear about it!

 P.S. It’s no coincidence that today’s verse is immediately following our verse from last week about magnifying the Lord. Do you see the connection between magnifying Him and being delivered from our fears?


18 thoughts on “Not Scared Anymore

  1. I pray for the Lords hand of protection on all of you especially Lilly. Praise God that your father is doing well.
    A very encouraging post and yes when we magnify the Lord in our lives, fear shrivels.
    Blessings to you Jennifer 😊💙

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I praise and thank God for His blessings on your Dad and Lily! Delivered from fear? Where to start?
    Here’s a good one that gives us a look at Father God’s heart: I have always been afraid to drive in snowy conditions, something probably not very familiar to those in the jungles of Peru! I had had several small incidents in the winter as I was learning to drive, and these fears only grew as time went on. Driving under the influence didn’t help matters either.
    When God delivered me from addiction, He began to grow me in other ways as well. One was the winter driving fear which by this time had all but crippled me when the snow flew. Then He blessed me a job at Le Moyne College, located in Syracuse, some 29 miles from my home. I took the job in August, knowing winter was coming soon. In my own strength, I decided that I needed a 4 wheel drive pick up truck to help me, so we bought one. Guess how many times I had to put in 4 wheel drive over that winter and the next? Zero!
    Then gasoline prices skyrocketed to over $4 a gallon. It was then, as I prayed, that God showed me He had removed the winter fear, making His point with the extravagant price of fuel I was paying for a vehicle I didn’t need.
    We sold the truck then and have been driving small cars since!


  3. Thank you for sharing these testimonies about your dad and sweet Lily! I praise the Lord for what He has done! Our Jesus miraculously delivered me from debilitating fear and anxiety 4 years ago. I had been dealing with extreme fear and increasingly frequent panic attacks for about 1-2 years (I can’t even remember the length of time now). During the week between Christmas and New Year’s 2015-2016 God was doing a mighty work in my husband and me, it was then that I fully surrendered to Jesus. Almost immediately, I felt lighter. It took a while to realize that I wasn’t scared any longer of the things that had terrified me before. I’ve never had a panic attack again. This is one of the most significant, beautiful testimonies – so far – in my life of His extravagant love and goodness!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so grateful for the calming, healing power of worship, especially worship music. I understand why even Saul called for David to come sing whenever he was spiritually tormented. It’s too bad he didn’t get the full benefit of it, because he didn’t surrender himself to the Lord as David had. – It’s not just the music. 😉

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  5. It is a TRUTH. When we magnify the Lord fears gradually decrease. Thank God in this time of crisis we do not have to DO ANYTHING. (not fast or undergo any special time of striving) His sacrifice means NOW when we acknowledge we NEED HIM AND ONLY HIM. He will become our all-sufficient God. BE in Him. Allow Him to minister in every way. Talk with and to Him. Let Him speak. a=men.


    1. He indeed is powerfully all-sufficient, my precious sister. I do find that fasting helps me tap into His power in special ways. It’s been an indispensable part of thriving in a place of much spiritual darkness. For me, it’s not at all a place of striving, but a special way of resting in Him. 🙂


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