You CAN Have Peace


Enjoy the audio version of this devo here 🙂 If you haven’t checked these out, you’ll be blessed when you do! I add in a prayer at the beginning and end, asking the Lord to minister in a special way to you as you listen.


“…In Me you may have peace…” (John 16:33b, NKJV).

I was standing there by the kitchen counter, and His whisper came. “You know, you can have My peace all the time.” It was so soft, so gentle. So simple, and yet so incredibly profound. I can have His peace – all the time.

I’m still learning to make this truth my home. Isn’t it a journey, for all of us? After all, Jesus assured us in that very same verse above, “In the world you will have tribulation.” Have you had any tribulation come your way today? I know that most of us do, on most days, in some way or another. How, then, do a surefire prediction of trouble – and a promise of unshakable peace – go together?

It’s all about being wrapped up as one with the Prince of Peace. When you were born again, you became one spirit with Him (1 Cor. 6:17). As your intimacy with Him grows, His Kingdom grows inside of you. His rule takes over your inner space by increasing degrees. Here is that looks like: “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end…” (Isa. 9:7a, NKJV).

Inside of you, His government is increasing… year by year. Inside of you, His peace is increasing… day by day. There will be no end to that increase. The longer you walk closely with Him, the more His government and His peace will increase inside of you. The fruit of this process will be unmistakably evident to those around you. This is because, by increments, your inner reality will come to dominate your outer reality.

The more His Kingdom comes inside of you, the more you will be able to sink into profound sleep even with a storm raging around you. Then, once you have completed your rest, you will stand up, and the Prince of Peace will rise up within you. He will, through your spirit, rebuke the storm, and it will submit to the Lord of all, who is ruling powerfully in and through you.

“Peace, be still!” At that point, the increase of His Kingdom and His peace will have become so mighty within you that it is spilling out onto everything and everyone around you. This is what Jesus was describing when He foretold: “The water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14, NKJV).

When you get that full of His presence, His Spirit becomes a bubbling fountain springing up from the depths of you, pouring life out everywhere you go. Once you get to that point, rather than the tribulations of this world weighing on you, His living water springs up from within you and transforms the atmosphere around you into a piece of Heaven on earth.

Don’t ever listen to the lie that this kind of steady, supernatural peace is inaccessible, out of your reach. You can have as much of God as you want to have, if you are willing to invest your whole heart in your relationship with Him. Listen to His voice speaking earnestly inside of you again: “Heaven’s kingdom realm is accessible, close enough to touch” (Matt. 10:7b, TPT).

You can have His peace, dear one… all the time.


Have you come to know Jesus intimately as the Prince of Peace?


11 thoughts on “You CAN Have Peace

  1. As I listened instead of reading today, Holy Spirit told me that as you spoke (speak) the truth of Scripture about God’s peace, even your voice is and instrument toward His end! Wonderful encouragement to start my day, thank you Jennifer!
    John 16:33 as long been a core piece of the godly peace He makes available to me everyday. I am blessed to often teach on the promises of God found in His Word. I usually end with this one because Jesus promises that on this earth we will have trouble. This is not the usual way folks think of the promises of the Lord!
    But as you have so beautifully explained today, His peace overcomes any and all troubles I/we face on any given day. What an Awesome God we serve!

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    1. Aw thank you my brother!! I am actually making note of what He said to you about my voice for my journal, it means a lot to me. AND is such neat confirmation because just about five hours before reading your message, I was sharing with a couple of friends how the Lord convicted me some years ago about being rejecting internally towards my soft voice (it used to frustrate me because it’s very challenging to make myself heard in a noisy place). Holy Spirit told me at that time that He made my voice soft and soothing on purpose for His purposes with it. I have definitely come to embrace it and rejoice in His gift now, but the timing of your message was so neat with that conversation I had just today!

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  2. What you are doing is wonderful Jennifer. Hope it will continue to bless many. I believe God spoke to me about folks who are blind in nursing homes etc. I am undertaking a new adventure. I am recording (reading myself) Morning Devotions I have written. These are illustrated and in my two books Peace and Our God Lives!. Not sure if my voice is a blessing or not but I’m trusting the Lord for where they may be received and His Peace will flow. Blessings and Love to you and yours.

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    1. I absolutely believe your voice is a blessing! The Holy Spirit bears witness with my spirit that this is an absolutely precious vision to Him, as is your loving obedience! I’m excited to hear about the fruit that will come from it. Thank you so much for sharing!


  3. Ohhhhhh yes I have sister! His Peace has grown in me and on me greatly that others around me take notice of. He’s so great! I feel His presence rich in my belly all the time! He speaks to me very bold and clear! What a great and spirit filled message He gave you! Thank you Lord! I pray all is well with you and the family. How’s your daughter? Continue to pray for her whenever I recall! Blessings & more peace to you! ❤

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    1. I rejoice with you, sweet sister, for Holy Spirit’s beautiful work of His peace deep in you! How precious!! And thank you SO very much for asking about my daughter. Lily is doing great, thank You Father God!! She has made a wonderful recovery. She’s just been dealing with a slight cough, but I declare and decree in Jesus’ name that it’s GONE, as all of her other symtoms are. I am profoundly grateful for your prayers, Tammy! ❤ ❤

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