Hanging on God’s Words

It’s audio devo day!

What happens when you find a friend who is an incredible listener? It makes you want to open up and share freely from your heart with them, right? In the same way, we can become excellent listeners in our relationship with God. There is so much He wants to say to you and me, if we will develop ears to hear, and a desire to be His very good friend. May He draw you into deeper communion with Him as you tune in here:

(Encouraged by this? Know someone else that needs to hear it today? You can either share today’s blog link with them, or look up my Feeding on Jesus podcast for sharing and subscribing. You’ll find it at these links on iTunesGoogle PodcastsStitcher, and most other podcast platforms, with episodes identical to these audio devos!)


How’s your listening journey going? Do you find yourself leaning in to listen for what Holy Spirit wants to show you each day?

10 thoughts on “Hanging on God’s Words

  1. Hi Jennifer,
    I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts and love for our Heavenly Father and your insights on how to increase and improve our communication with God.
    I was once set a challenge to pray for 20 minutes a day for a month, the 1st few days I really struggled however I changed my mindset during that first week and realised that we talk to family and friends for longer than 20 minutes a day each day so really if we look at talking with God in the same way and pray with intent and earnestness and pray for an open heart and ears that are open to hearing his words.
    I wish you well in your continued ministry and pray for God’s blessings to be heaped upon you 🙏 ❤️

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    1. I receive those blessings gratefully! And I loved hearing about how the Lord helped you deepen your prayer time. It sounds like He has enriched your time with Him wonderfully. I speak many more multiplied blessings on your friendship and fellowship with Him in His Spirit!


    1. Aw, this comment of yours made me smile big, Cindi, thank you for making my day! (My replies are slow right now because we are in “summer missions” mode through August, where teams from the U.S. come down to partner with our ministry). Sending you so much love in Jesus today!

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  2. Jennifer, thank you again so much for your faithful response to the anointing on your life. The devos you do always bless me so deeply and become for me the Holy Spirit speaking right into my listening heart. I praise God for His ministry through you and I bless you. x

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