An Embryo Prepared for Us

Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning
Jesus, to Thee be all glory given
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing

O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
Christ the Lord

In this timeless verse lies the breathtaking mystery of Christmas: the incarnation. When the eternal God took on flesh like ours. When the Creator squeezed Himself into an embryo. When the Almighty One who fills the universe instead confined Himself to a space so tiny not even our naked eye could perceive it. Here we read about that sacred moment: “Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: ‘Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You have prepared for Me’” (Heb. 10:5, NKJV).

In partnership with the Holy Spirit, God the Father prepared a human body for His Son. What must that have been like, when God quietly planted that infinitesimal union of cells into Mary’s womb? Can you imagine the moment when Jesus slipped out of the eternal realm and into that microscopic new home?

I love how the next verse of our song describes it:

True God of true God, Light from Light eternal
Humbly, He enters the virgin’s womb
Son of the Father, begotten, not created

And why? This same passage in Hebrews gives us the answer: “By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all” (Heb. 10:10, NKJV).

Daddy God prepared that embryo for Jesus for this one eternal purpose: as a sacrifice for our sins. The moment our Savior moved into Mary’s womb, He knew. The time had come. That which He planned to do before the creation of the world would now unfold as He obeyed. And so, ready to die in our place, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world was born.

O come, let us adore Him!


Have you spent some time meditating on the reality of the very second when Jesus “made Himself nothing,” leaving His glory and becoming an embryo? (Phil. 2:7). Do you have any thoughts to share about that historical moment in time?

24 thoughts on “An Embryo Prepared for Us

  1. i appreciate your writing. Thank you. A profound and beautiful reflection on the incarnation and the sacred aspect of ALL human life. Christmas Blessings as we All journey closer to the day we remember. He was born so we LIVE eternally. Hallaleuiah!

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  2. MIND BLOWN…at the depth and beauty of your perspective Jennifer! Your vision and the ways He communicates Himself through you is so super amazing, and gift after gift after gift of blessing to the hearts of your readers! ❤️

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  3. “This is our God, Our Servant King”; “You laid aside Your Majesty”; “Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness”as well as “Oh Come, all ye Faithful” – some of my favourite songs that ponder this amazing truth – I love them so much that I have even learned to play them on the keyboard! Never thought of the actual embryo though!

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      1. I have to learn each song by rote – it takes me about a month to learn and I play each one every day… well, I did, but when it got to 18 songs I split it into 2 lists… now I do 11 songs each day (21 total) 😀 I’m not a natural!!! But I’m very stubborn!!!

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      2. Aaaamen to that. I’m pretty sure all of our “performances,” even of those on earth we consider the best, fall flat compared to the heavenly realities, so I, too, am profoundly grateful that He looks at our hearts!

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  4. I imagine all of heaven letting out a gasp and all of creation feeling a surge of unexplainable hope! What a wonderful moment in time! Every word that had been spoken about the Messiah was fulfilled in an instant!

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  5. This is a part of Jesus’s life I never thought about. When Mary went to visit Elizabeth and her child, John the Baptist leaped in her womb I remember thinking wow. Beautiful thought however and very important aspect of His Life to give praise for as without Jesus where would any of us be. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece with us and the scriptures. Love ❤️ Joni

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