Joining Jesus in the Intimacy Circle (Part 2)

(This is a continuation of yesterday’s post. You can read it here 🙂 )

Jesus Wants You With Him

It is so important that we grasp that He did this for us. He could easily have stayed in heaven, enjoying the bliss of oneness with His Abba, without having needed to bother with prolonged years dealing with the limitations of a human body. But He came here to live it in front of us, so that we would know firsthand that this is what He wants for us too. He could have popped down for a bit, died on the cross, and quickly returned to heavenly rapture with Daddy. But if He’d done that, He wouldn’t have had the opportunity to model for us the way He longs for us to live: in the bosom of the Father.

From His very first recorded earthly words at age twelve, He was voicing His enthusiasm about the center of His existence: Daddy. As He Himself taught us, out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. His heart was continually overflowing with the love bliss He was living out with Daddy, and so this is what came out of His mouth. He couldn’t stop talking about His Father.

Then, once He had achieved His goal of revealing to us what it looks to live out of our place in Daddy God’s heart, it was time for Him to pay the price to make it possible. To this end, He gave His life in torturous death. As soon as He was alive again, He resumed the same topic: “I am ascending to My Father and your Father…” (John 20:17, NKJV). He had just done it. He had just made His Abba, your Abba, and my Abba.

He was communicating, in essence, “For these three years, I showed you what rapturous union with Daddy looks like. Now join Me. My Daddy is now your Daddy. Be one with Us. He in Me, and I in you, and you in Me.

“I am about to send My Spirit to you. I will pour Him into you until you, too, overflow with this heavenly love. He is the Spirit of Adoption, the Spirit of Sonship and Daughterhood. Through Him, you, too will cry out, ‘Abba, Father!’ Through Him, you, too, will experience belonging, to the utmost meaning of the word. Through Him, you, too, will be wrapped up with Me, in Daddy’s bosom. From that place, you will live out the abundant, beautiful, victorious life that I have written in My book for you before the worlds began!”


(Don’t miss Part 3 tomorrow!)


What would life look like if we lived it out of our belonging place in Daddy’s arms?

7 thoughts on “Joining Jesus in the Intimacy Circle (Part 2)

  1. Jennifer, how do you fell about the idea that, these gifts were available from the beginning, and that Papa realized that we had to have His example that we might spread that Truth throughout the rest of the world


    1. Do you mean, that this kind of intimacy was available with Him from the beginning? If so, my understanding is that the level of intimacy and union available now was purchased with His blood and not available to the full extent as now until the new covenant. What is your understanding about it? I’d love to hear your perspective 😊


      1. I don’t know precisely the level of intimacy that was given, it seems though that there are stories of a few who did have very intimate relations with Him, more research is needed. I do know and am blessed with a lovely relationship with Papa and Jesus guided by the Spirit-your expressions and my perception of your faith helps me know I can do more and become closer

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes! The intimacy that Moses and David and others shared with Him also inspire me greatly! I really do believe though that what He has made available now is even deeper. Which is part of what He was communicating here: “Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”
        ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬. Everything in the new covenant/the coming of His Kingdom through it, is greater than what came before!

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