Weak Faith? Strong Faith? Keep Pushing Forward!

Muscle man

“And Abraham’s faith did not weaken… In fact, his faith grew stronger…” (Rom. 4:19a; 20b, NLT)

We can draw much encouragement from how God remembers and memorializes Abraham’s life. I’ve always done a double take when reading this passage from Romans 4. The Holy Spirit, writing through Paul, makes the statement that “Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise” (v. 20a).

I read that and my mind starts to protest: Wait, he never wavered? What about when he despaired of waiting and decided to take matters into his own hands? What about Ishmael? What about the poor boy he engendered that had to be sent off into the desert to almost die there?

Somehow, as God gives the overview of Abraham’s earthly sojourn, He chooses not to bring up the Ishmael incident. Apparently, it’s not relevant to the main point: that Abraham’s faith eventually completed the test. The extremely lengthy, prolonged process of waiting on God for His promise actually accomplished something staggering in Abraham. His initially shakable faith became so resilient that he became renown as “the father of all those who believe” (v. 11).

At the culmination of Abraham’s faith journey, this is the description God gives us of him: “He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises” (v. 21). How do I know this verse is talking about the “end product” of the (twenty-five year) long process that went into the development of Abraham’s faith?

Well, just take a quick look again at the midpoint. That was when Ishmael happened. So clearly Abraham wasn’t fully convinced at that juncture that God was able. He kinda thought God might need some help. His faith was a bit wobbly yet.

However, even after that faltering moment, he didn’t give up on God. He didn’t give up on the process. He didn’t give up on what must have felt like an eternal wait. He kept on choosing hope when for all the world it didn’t look like there was any shred of a reason to keep on hoping (v. 18).

Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, he kept pressing on. His body kept getting older and older. His wife’s did too. But he refused to relinquish God’s word to him.

Every night, he would look up at the stars and remember his Promise encounter. Over and over, he kept choosing to feed and edify his faith. He kept reminding himself of what God had said. He kept stomping on doubt by lifting up his voice and glorifying God (v. 20). He kept pushing through the process. Every. Single. Day.

The result? “Abraham’s faith did not weaken… In fact, his faith grew stronger…” And stronger, and stronger, and stronger, and stronger, and STRONGER!!!!

Here’s my encouragement to you today. Feeling a little wobbly? Not quite at the “completely convinced” stage yet? That’s okay!!! Just keep pushing forward! Be assured, your faith is not weakening; it’s getting stronger and stronger and stronger by the day. No matter how eternal the wait seems, you ARE going to complete this test. And when God is through with you, WATCH OUT WORLD!! I can’t wait to see the flattened mountains in your wake!!!


Do you find comfort, as I do, in knowing that “the father of all who believe” started out with faith that needed to be greatly strengthened?


19 thoughts on “Weak Faith? Strong Faith? Keep Pushing Forward!

  1. Ha! It happened again! Just as I was posting my post for the day expressing my own “wobble” and praying for God to help me with that, you posted this post which seems very much like God’s answer to that prayer. God is so awesome! I wanted you to know that he has used your words to speak to me today.

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    1. Aw, I really am SO blessed to hear and know that, thank you, truly, for sharing it! By the way, I would love to address you in whatever way you like best; do you enjoy being called GodChild, or do you have any other name you prefer?

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  2. So good! I’ve thought the same thing, and come to the same revolation about Abraham’s faith, and God not counting his sins against him. How truly our sin stains are blotted out to not be counted/recorded in the final chapter. God continues to remind me of His faithfulness, and Holy Spirit continues to speak through you so sweetly Jennifer! Thank you! ❤️🕊

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