Protected by His Light

“The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light… Put on the Lord Jesus Christ…” (Rom. 13:12,14, NKJV).

I was reading a story recently about a man who was feeling depressed. He was in a sales job that he wasn’t cut out for, and it was not going well for him. He got more and more dejected, until a day came that he just sat in his cubicle and did nothing all day because he had lost all motivation. Then God gave him a glimpse of the spiritual realm. He saw an enemy spirit sitting on the desk, giving off a visible cloud of negativity that was filling the atmosphere around him.

After that revelation, God gave him a strategy. He started writing a book that had been on his heart to author for some time. He was so excited about this project, that he found himself newly invigorated. During every break and at lunchtime, he grabbed those extra minutes to work on it. He began experiencing wonderful creative success in an area he was passionate about. This in turn brought up his energy for other areas of his life, including work.

Soon, God gave him another glimpse into the spiritual realm. He saw that he had developed a bright layer of light all around him. The enemy spirit was still there giving off negativity, but it could not longer reach him. The layer of light encompassed him completely, working as an impenetrable, glowing shield. The lethargy and discouragement that had been dragging him down was noticeably gone from his soul. Although God did not call him to stay at that job permanently, he did find the strength needed to complete his season there with newfound enthusiasm.

As I was pondering this story, Holy Spirit was speaking to my heart about that layer of light he saw. What that man described is what Scripture refers to as our “armor of light” (Rom. 13:12). Jesus is the Light of the World. He calls us to “put Him on,” just as you would pull on an item of clothing; or in this case, a piece of armor (v. 14). To put on the Lord Jesus Christ is to put on His light. We can literally clothe ourselves in the layer of light that our brother saw on himself. Following the lead of His Spirit, we can suit up with heavenly radiance. When we do that, the enemy’s strategies against us fall flat!

Putting on the armor of light might look like a prayer where you specifically dress yourself with each piece described in Ephesians 6:14-17. As the above story illustrates, taking specific steps of obedience to the Lord’s leading can also help us to activate His armor. Taking a praise break to exalt God with all of our hearts is another way to step into that protective layer of light. Speaking and declaring His Word out loud is yet another.

I hear Him saying to us, “Shields up!” I believe He wants to teach us the functionality of the spiritual armor He has given us. This protective layer He has made available to us is real, and it works. Let’s ask Him today to train us, both in awareness of its reality, and in our use of it.

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Eph. 6:11, NKJV).


Do you actively put on the armor of God at the beginning of your day?

13 thoughts on “Protected by His Light

  1. Thank you. This is the message we need to hear often. We are to LIVE in this world although we have been born-again into a different Kingdom, We must be adequately clothed before we journey out. I will this day grab hold of this biblical TRUTH and remember as an actuality Who has clothed me and the actuality of HIS LIGHT. Bless you!

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  2. Amen! This story reminds me strongly of a message God spoke to me two years ago. I had just arrived at the office in the morning and heard a voice saying, “I want to write”. This wasn’t too unusual as I’ve always loved writing. But there was no one else in the office yet, and I hadn’t spoken the words myself, so that was a bit eerie!

    Since then I’ve been writing more consistently: blog posts, short stories, and even one book manuscript so far! I feel uplifted whenever I write, and I know I am using one of the gifts God has given me!

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    1. Wow, that is so neat! Was the voice audible? My daughter Ester has heard the audible voice of God quite a number of times, but so far He has only spoken to me in that “still, small” voice inside my spirit. But I love hearing about He talks to different people. Thanks so much for sharing! I’m also so glad your writing journey is flourishing 🙂

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      1. It was audible, quiet, but encouraging. I don’t hear God’s voice often, but when I do it is subtle. Whenever I listen, and follow the path He sets in front of me, I find far more than I was looking for.

        Peace to you and your family add the second month of 2021 begins. 😊

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