Cultivating a Peaceful Soul

Hand with flower

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen” (Matt. 24:6, NIV, emphasis mine).

“See to it” – that sounds like a tall order, doesn’t it? However, I am reminded that every word of God comes packed with inherent power to fulfill itself — just like a seed contains every component needed to bring forth a mature plant. This is one of those commands that imparts His power. Implanted in our hearts, it will bring forth the fruit He desires. As we give Him room, the water of His Spirit will nourish the growing roots of this wise instruction in our hearts.

Jesus has told us that we don’t have to be alarmed. What beautiful news – we can live our earthly lives free of fear! Now, this doesn’t mean living with our heads in the sand, pretending that all is well in the world. This passage of Scripture openly acknowledges the turmoil to take place in these last times. The fact is, we can look square in the face of these current turbulent days of history, and smile peacefully. Or, even laugh joyfully.

“Such things must happen.” Where does our smile come from? Where does our laughter originate? Pure joy springs forth from the heart’s foundational knowledge of Who holds the universe in His hands. Jesus said that these things must happen because He was keenly aware of the Plan. He’d already read the blueprints. He was letting us know what to expect, and that we don’t need to be alarmed by it. He knew, and was imparting to us this knowledge: His Father would be executing the Plan exactly as He drew it up before He created the world. He was, and is, and ever will be, entirely in control.

“See to it that you are not alarmed.” This is our right and our inheritance. It is also our responsibility. We really are meant to live our lives in supernatural peace during these times. See to it, my dear brother, my dear sister. Here’s a verse with similar instructions that will help:

Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27, NKJV). Again, the wording here indicates that we have a responsibility to employ this inheritance of ours. I’m so encouraged by this! Because if Daddy says that I am able to live fearlessly, then I am! He never, ever lies 😊. It’s all in the provision that He gave through His Spirit: the power to live as He lays out in Scripture. Because the greater One lives in me, I can access the first half of this same verse: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.”

It’s not as the world gives, because it’s not based on the circumstance. I don’t experience peace because there’s no turmoil happening, no storm howling. I experience profound peace ruling the inside of me, because the Prince of Peace is in this boat with me.

I’ll add one more thing about this. There’s not a one of us alive on earth today that has this down pat. We all have emotions. We all get affected by the piercingly ominous waves beating against our ships. We all have souls that need calming. That’s why Psalm 131:2 offers, “Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me” (NKJV).

Calming our souls is a discipline. Quieting our inner space is a habit to cultivate. Choosing His peace is a lifestyle. We are called to this discipline, to this habit, to this lifestyle. We are called to fear-free living. We are called to His peace.

“Let us, therefore, make EVERY EFFORT to enter that rest…” (Heb. 4:11, NIV, emphasis mine).


What are some ways we can partner with God in cultivating a peaceful soul?

22 thoughts on “Cultivating a Peaceful Soul

  1. The calm and peace that Jesus speaks of is not what the natural man expects. Our souls perception and resulting reactions of the flesh are not that of SPIRIT. Walking and living in the Spirit is a gift from the Lord and must be employed by every believer to rise above the fears in this world. If you have not, begin today, rejoicing in His comfort. Amen Len

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Amen & AMEN sis! Glory to God for His Word & never dying peace. 😀 How I partner with Him is by reading His Word and applying it to my life. I continue to mediate on it day and night. When the enemy strikes with that spirit of fear I bind it immediately with the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. As you see the word sword is made up of the word “word”! How amazing! He just revealed that to me. Ha! Thank you Lord! 😀 …so good to have you back here! Blessings & peace to you!

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  3. Good one Jennifer, This is a truth to come back to for reminders every so often.
    And peace is one of the fruits of the Spirit. I have noticed my inner turmoil can rise quickly when I seem to drift from having daily close times with the Lord and in the Word and prayer

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