An Angel’s Voice… Or Daddy’s Whisper?


“Then the rich man said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ He replied to him, ‘If they do not respond to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” (Luke 16:30-31, NET).

Have you ever been in a quandary about what the right decision might be… and wished an angel from heaven with a trumpet would announce to you the answer? I sure have! However, according to this passage of Scripture, an overtly supernatural manifestation is not necessarily the best way for God to communicate with us.

As you probably recognize, this is the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. It seems like what God is saying here is that this kind of supernatural dramatics would not help, in many cases. The disposition of our hearts towards Him will determine whether or not we hear and heed to His voice. External dramatics, much less so. No doubt, for example, if an angel with a trumpet appeared to an atheist with a hard heart towards the existence of God, that atheist would explain the experience away.

This is not to discount the importance of supernatural experiences, when God decides that they are necessary. I actually believe that growing in the supernatural is an essential element of effective Christian living. My own daughter has had vivid visions of heaven, for example, and I’m in awe of that. However, we don’t rely on this kind of thing to root and establish our faith. A steady diet on the Word of God, prayer, worship, and listening is God’s standard plan for nourishing that budding growth within us.

Notice, returning briefly to the Christmas story, a biblical example of this principle. Both Zacharias and Mary had the astonishing experience of personal angelic visitations. However, these events did not serve to originate faith in their hearts. Rather, Gabriel’s visits exposed what was already in their hearts. Zacharias’ response to his supernatural encounter demonstrated the caliber of his faith, at that time. In contrast, Mary’s response to a nearly identical experience brought to the surface the childlike trust that already characterized her life.

So, if you’re facing a major decision today, and you are wishing that Gabriel would stop by and announce the right thing to do, Daddy God does have provision for you. He is even more intimately aware of your need for guidance than you are. He cares far more than even you do about making sure you walk into the right path for your life. He probably won’t send Gabriel, though (it could happen, but it’s not the usual way). He prefers to speak directly to your heart.

He wants to encourage you, have great confidence that He will show you the best way. Look for His gentle murmur. Look for His inner witness. Look for His peace. They will come, if you make space for them. Jesus has given us this precious reassurance: “Everyone who is of the Truth [who is a friend of the Truth, who belongs to the Truth] hears and listens to My voice” (John 18:37, AMPC).

I love how the Message Bible puts it too: “Everyone who cares for truth, who has any feeling for the truth, recognizes my voice.” Rest easy, dear one. He will make sure you hear Him, if you are longing to do so. You will perceive His message. You will recognize His voice.

My closing thought. Though the Father has an infinite myriad of ways to speak to us, He delights the most in simple, quiet intimacy. When we come to become so familiar with His voice that we immediately distinguish His first whisper, that’s where life is truly found. True faith, the deepest kind, is not to be moored in dramatics, but in His still, small voice.


How long have you been tuning into the gentle whispers of God? Can you see that you are now more closely familiar with His communication than you used to be?


10 thoughts on “An Angel’s Voice… Or Daddy’s Whisper?

    1. I like that, Jeff. It makes a lot of sense. Reminds me of how Jesus said the Holy Spirit would remind us of what He has said to us — He is so faithful to bring the right things to our memory, that will encourage our spirits. And He loves to affirm us! Thank you, truly, for sharing. 🙂

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  1. Because I have always tried to process my thoughts and ideas, first with my mind [intellect]and then move forward with actions, I believe I have negated a most valuable part of what our God intended. My spirit was rarely approached. Being body, soul and spirit, I was only operating on 2-cylanders instead of three. As I have grown closer to God and more in Jesus image, that has changed. I now hold every thought captive before following through. I believe this is most vital. Our minds alone are accustom to dealing with the natural, like expectations of supernatural displays of power and great mystery. Our Spirit brings discernment and wisdom, allowing us to perceive the supernatural from God’s point of view. I would so appreciate additional insight in this observation. Len Wisniewski

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    1. A truly keen observation, Len. It goes along with what the Word says about being renewed in the spirit of our minds. Learning to operate out of our spirit, where He is one with us instead of our our own understanding (mind), is so foundational for life!


  2. I spent some time this morning on the story of the wedding feast at Cana, in particular on Mary’s involvement. Her directive to the servants was so simple, yet so critically important: “Do what he tells you to do.” We are given the same advice! So the objective becomes learning how, in our own particular situation, to create the quiet environment for Jesus to speak.

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  3. Jennifer, Oh how I love to read your posts! I love His whispers….. there are a few times while observing something or just sitting in silence that something far broader than my every day thoughts come to mind. It is always something deep and uplifting. I treasure these few intimate times where my heart cries out with so so much gratitude. I assume these are from Daddy God….or an Angel’s voice. I am so grateful! And this is OH SO WONDERFUL!!: My own daughter has had vivid visions of heaven, for example, and I’m in awe of that…. BLESS HER!!

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    1. Aw, thank you, Jackie! I am deeply glad that they uplift you! And wow, yes, that is a perfect example of this truth. Those are most definitely messages from Heaven that He drops into your spirit. How rich it is to hear from Him! And yes, Ester’s visions of heaven were very life changing for me. She is quite matter of fact about them, though! She’s quite an unusual girl 🙂


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